Macnas At School

Turas Alf / Alf's Journey
Macnas invites children to be part of our new show Turas Alf / Alf's Journey.
This year, Macnas has commissioned a new story for children called The Newt Who Needed a New Home, written by Nithy Kasa with illustrations by Lisa Sweeney. The story is part of the Macnas Show Turas Alf / Alf's Journey devised and directed by Richard Babington.
Links Below:
Print version
(When printing select double sided option)
Read only version/schools digital board
Instructions for free children's activity
Once you have read the story, we would love you to colour in the worksheet and write a poem.
Then you can come visit Alf in person in Dublin, dates to be announced shortly!
You can also send your picture with poem to us at Macnas Headquarters and we will bring it to Alf for you!
Email to
Post to:
Macnas, Fisheries Field, Earls Island, Galway, H91D9CV

Our Programme
Macnas is an award-winning internationally acclaimed spectacle theatre company from Galway.
Master storytellers, Macnas bring the magic of imagination to life through creating and delivering incredible spectacle shows. This program is designed to invite pupils into the world of Macnas and is led by highly skilled visual and performance artists.
Macnas design bespoke programs to suit the needs of individual schools.
For full details and enquiry's of the Macnas At School Programme contact:
Victoria Mc Cormack
Head of Creative Engagement
Our Objectives
Explore Imagination through visual storytelling, making, performance and play.
Instill confidence in creative expression.
Promote connection, wellbeing and belonging.
Encourage creative play, collaboration and creative listening.
Develop children’s capacity to learn through creative problem solving.
Celebrate each child’s unique creativity.
Provide an unforgettable experience.
Our Goal
To empower children by engaging their active imagination.
Macnas provide dynamic and accessible tools that encourage children to problem solve, promote creative play and create meaningful connections.